

黛布拉一. 约翰逊

黛布拉一. 约翰逊是做人事生意的人, a transit executive guided by the knowledge that her decision-making has direct bearing on the public’s ability to make connections that benefit their lives. 约翰逊 was selected as General Manager and CEO of Denver’s 区域运输区 (RTD) by the agency’s Board of Directors on Aug. 25, 2020. 她是该机构52年历史上首位女性领导人.

了解更多关于黛布拉A. 约翰逊


迈克尔·福特于1月29日加入RTD, 2018, 当时他被任命为新设立的首席运营办公室, 作为第一个在RTD领导所有运输模式和支持活动的高管. 作为首席运营官,他指导巴士运营的活动, 铁路运营, 艾达辅助交通服务, 及服务规划及发展.

福特很早就开始了他的交通事业, 在大学里, starting as a janitor for Greyhound and moving into Greyhound Operations management shortly after earning his BA in Sociology and Philosophy from Pacific University in Pacific Grove, 俄勒冈州. 在灰狗公司工作的时候, 很快晋升为灰狗东华盛顿区总经理, 爱达荷州, 和蒙大拿州, 他在西雅图城市大学完成了工商管理硕士学位.

福特为地区带来了终身承诺, 当地的, and individual mobility with more than 40 years of experience in public and private transportation that includes properties from the Northwest to the Midwest; providing service through multiple transportation modes including, 但不限于, 轻轨, 有轨电车, 固定航线业务, 艾达, 专门的班车和通勤铁路. Ford’s innovative approaches to service delivery and commitment to mobility for all citizens have been instrumental in achieving success leading transportation organizations in the NW, 加州, 和密歇根州. 福特曾担任首席执行官, 首席运营官, 总经理通过各种运输方式提供交通工具. 同时担任安娜堡交通管理局的首席执行官, the organization garnered national attention for the fourth highest growth in ridership; launching new services and securing new funding with overwhelming community and voter support.

福特对服务的热情和活力, community and collaboration has secured the success of enhanced and beneficial changes to mobility, 有效的公私伙伴关系, 以及广泛的商业和社区支持.

Charlene Polege

Charlene Polege于2022年12月被任命为RTD的首席人事官. 作为一个价值观驱动和服务型领导者, Polege has spent the last 20 years helping unlock the full potential of talented individuals in mission-driven organizations by developing, 支持, and nurturing an engaging and resilient organizational culture through an organization's shared purpose and aligned value systems.

在加入RTD之前, Polege provided executive human resources leadership to 加拿大's largest online comprehensive academic research university, 在那里她负责整体战略人力资源规划, 组织发展, 文化与参与, 总回报, 员工与劳动关系, 和人力资源服务的高效提供, 富有成效的, 包容, 尊重, 和可持续的方式. Polege在私营部门也有丰富的经验, serving as the Vice President Human Resources/Privacy Officer for a leading hospitality organization with more than 3,500名员工.

Polege持有Royal Roads University的研究生学位, receiving a Master of Arts (MA) with a concentration in Conflict Analysis and Management and a Certification in Executive Coaching (CEC). She also holds a Certified Senior Professional (SHRM-CSP) designation from the Society of Human Resources Management and a Diversity and Inclusion Certificate for HR from Cornell University.


道格•麦克劳德于2021年4月被任命为首席财务官. 麦克劳德在私营和公共部门拥有32年的财务和会计经验, 2010年,他在RTD开始了自己的职业生涯. MacLeod has an undergraduate degree in Accounting from Fort Lewis College and an MBA in Finance and Accounting from Regis University. 他还拥有科罗拉多州的注册会计师执照.


Dr. 乔尔·菲茨杰拉德先生.他于2022年8月加入RTD,担任警察和应急管理主任. 他在中情局的角色, Fitzgerald leads the agency’s efforts to support the personal safety and security of customers and employees. RTD之前, 菲茨杰拉德曾担任沃斯堡警察局局长, 德州; Missouri City, 德州; Waterloo, Iowa; and Allentown, 宾西法尼亚. 在每一个位置, Fitzgerald was the first African American to serve in that rank in the history of each organization.

菲茨杰拉德出生于费城, 宾西法尼亚, 持有Villanova University的文科学士学位, 获得东方大学工商管理硕士学位, 和Ph值.D. 毕业于中央大学工商管理专业. Fitzgerald is also a graduate of Harvard University Senior Executives in State and Local Government, 联邦调查局国家学院-国家行政学院, 西北大学警察参谋与指挥学院, 以及perf -警务高级管理项目.

In 2019, Fitzgerald was elected a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Law Enforcement Executive Development Association Board.


斯图尔特·萨默斯负责所有战略沟通, 媒体及公共关系, 市场营销, 客户互动, 以及RTD的社区外展. He was named the 首席沟通和业务官 in 2022 and is specifically tasked with enhancing public perception and overall awareness.

在担任RTD的职务之前, 萨默斯是负责市场营销的副总裁, 通信, 以及爱达荷州立大学的战略倡议. 他花了11年时间监督大学的营销和传播, 支持校园活动和传统, 支持世行的战略重点. 萨默斯还曾是美国全国广播公司爱达荷分公司的早间节目主持人和记者. 萨默斯在蒙古做了两年的志愿英语教师, 他在俄罗斯边境附近的一所职业技术学院教书. 除了作为英语作为外语(EFL)的讲师, 他的蒙古语也说得很流利.


梅勒妮斯奈德于2020年6月被任命为RTD的总法律顾问. Snyder has more than 15 years of experience representing a variety of clients in both the public and private sectors. 作为总法律顾问, 她为总经理和首席执行官以及选举产生的董事会提供建议, 并监督法律服务, 风险管理, 和信息治理管理部.

在加入RTD之前, Snyder served as Chief Deputy Attorney General and Chief of Staff overseeing the management of the largest law firm in the State of Colorado. 在这些角色中, 她负责监督所有行政和司法分支机构的总法律顾问和交易咨询, 董事会和委员会, 以及全州的民选官员, 协调法律政策和道德规范, 并担任政府间联络员. 她还负责民事调查和诉讼, 包括与多州和联邦合作伙伴的协调, 以及消费者保护的执行, 网络安全/数据隐私, 消费信贷, 以及联邦和州的反垄断法. Snyder在业务运营和连续性方面拥有丰富的专业知识, 过程改进, 公共关系, 社区参与. 在加入总检察长办公室之前, 斯奈德在丹佛大大小小的公司从事商业诉讼. 她收到了她的J。.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law and bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Psychology from the University of Arizona.


戴夫·詹森 is a rail professional with more than 36 years of rail and executive-level management experience. 他负责管理RTD铁路运营的各个方面, 包括通勤铁路和轻轨. Jensen began his management career in 1989 and has extensive experience overseeing all levels of a passenger railroad agency.

Jensen has provided consultation and assistance to numerous transit agencies in the United States and internationally, 包括香港的代理机构, 加拿大, 阿根廷, 犹他州, 加州, 德州, 维吉尼亚州, 和华盛顿, D.C. He also has experience participating in numerous peer reviews for the American Public Transportation Association (APTA). 詹森咨询过堪萨斯城、辛辛那提和底特律的有轨电车新启动机构. He is recognized as a subject-matter expert in the field of railroad operations and has testified in numerous court cases as an expert witness in 加州 和科罗拉多. 他的专长主要与规则有关, 政策, 程序, 以及铁路运营培训.


布莱恩•韦尔奇拥有数十年的评估多式联运规划经验, 包括在区域运输区工作超过12年, 在丹维尔公共部门工作了12年, 加州, 和费尔在一起11年 & 加州和科罗拉多州的同僚. 他的职业生涯一直以复杂的关键领导角色为特点, inter-jurisdictional, 备受瞩目的公共, 私营部门的工作. Welch’s public sector accomplishments include authority and responsibility for the completion and implementation of agency-wide transportation planning and programming efforts.

His private sector work includes project management and direction for millions of dollars of on-time, 交付), 咨询项目, 包括在加州和科罗拉多州屡获殊荣的努力. 他在交通运输和建筑环境关系方面的专业知识得到认可, Welch has authored papers and spoken at professional conferences on a range of topics related to mobility on demand, 移动性即服务, 快速公交, 以交通为导向的创新, 混合用途开发, 战略规划, 组织领导力.


弗雷德·沃森是公共汽车运营的助理总经理. 近40年前,他在德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂开始了他的职业生涯,当时他是一名教练操作员. Worthen在德克萨斯州的整个职业生涯中担任高级领导职务, 华盛顿, 和科罗拉多. 他在运营和计划方面有广泛的背景. 沃思经常在全国会议上就业务改进发表讲话, 经验教训和实施替代燃料汽车, 以及其他与交通相关的话题.

Jyotsna Vishwakarma

Jyotsna Vishwakarma被任命为代理助理总经理, 2023年7月的资本计划. 她自2010年以来一直在RTD工作,并自2015年11月起担任该机构的总工程师. 在加入RTD之前,Vishwakarma曾在科罗拉多州和德克萨斯州的工程咨询公司工作. The Capital Programs Department she leads manages infrastructure and facilities changes and expansions, 不动产, 工程, 建设, 映射, 公用事业定位. 她的团队还负责维护公共、行政和运营设施.

持牌专业工程师, Vishwakarma holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in civil 工程 and has more than 30 years of experience working on various infrastructure and facilities programs and projects.