RTD celebrates LGBTQIA+ Pride in June

RTD stands in solidarity with the members of the LGBTQIA+ community, recognizing their invaluable influence and evolving role in shaping transportation equity. By commemorating their contributions, RTD reaffirms its commitment to fostering inclusivity, diversity and respect within its workforce and services. Learn more about how RTD will celebrate the Pride month.


Impressive call response metrics has RTD’s Telephone Information Center ready for busy summer season

An RTD employee sits at their desk with a headset on ready to answer customer calls.

Two critical metrics of success the RTD Telephone Information Center (TIC) relies on are average speed of answer and service level. The average speed of answer metric is the average time a customer waits in the queue to be connected with an agent, with the goal for each call to be answered within 50 seconds. Read how RTD’s TIC exceeded goals in the first quarter.


Update on zero fare programs

Photo of the 0 bus at I-25 and Broadway Station

Zero Fare for Better Air was a statewide effort designed to reduce ground-level ozone by increasing the use of public transit. Launched in 2022, and funded by the state, RTD offered zero fares for the month of August; it expanded in 2023 to include two months. This year, the state legislature passed a bill to appropriate up to $5 million to RTD to continue the Zero Fare for Youth program, however, the bill states that RTD may only use the money to provide a year-round, fare-free transit service for youth. The legislature did not appropriate grant money for RTD to provide both a Zero Fare for Better Air and a Zero Fare for Youth program.

In June, RTD staff will take a recommendation to the Board of Directors to continue the Zero Fare for Youth program beyond its one-year pilot. The one-year pilot, began September 2023, and is scheduled to end on August 31. RTD is excited for Zero Fare for Youth and the ability to attract and support the next generation of RTD customers. Establishing transit habits young means a lifetime of use. More information will be available once the Board votes on the program later this summer.

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