
我们通过促进无障碍来解决所有个人的独特需求和挑战, 流动性, and community involvement through our programs and services. 我们的电台, 停止, Park-n-Rides, 此外,车辆也有便捷的功能,让你更容易到达目的地. 我们提供定制化的旅行培训,并为不能乘坐我们固定路线的巴士和火车的旅客提供特殊的服务和住宿.

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安全 and Assistance


Service Animal Policy

Service animals may accompany disabled passengers.

Pursuant to Colorado law (§ 18-13-107.3), intentional misrepresentation of entitlement to a service animal is illegal.

  1. 在下列情况下,某人故意谎报获得援助动物的权利:
    1. 为了获得州或联邦法律为残疾人士规定的任何权利或特权,作为合理的住房便利,该人故意歪曲其拥有的动物作为辅助动物的权利;
    2. 该人先前曾被书面或口头警告,故意谎报获得援助动物的权利是非法的;
    3. The person knows that:
      1. The animal is not an assistance animal with regard to that person; or
      2. The person does not have a disability.

What is a service animal?

According to Federal and Colorado State regulations, 服务性动物被定义为必须经过单独训练才能为残疾人工作或执行任务的狗或迷你马. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, 使患有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的人在焦虑发作时平静下来, or performing other duties.

公众对服务性动物的理解可能与美国残疾人法和交通部规定的标准不一致. The following are key points to consider:

  • A service animal must also be under the control of its handler at all times. This is usually accomplished with the use of a leash or harness and, 在极少数情况下, by verbal command.
  • A service animal has a calm demeanor, does not bark excessively or elicit violent and seriously 颠覆性的 behavior, and is house trained with a focus on its handler.
  • Service animals are working animals, not pets. 狗接受训练的工作或任务必须与人的残疾直接相关.
  • 安慰, 情感支持和治疗动物不符合服务性动物的资格,因为它们不提供服务或任务.
  • Most service animals are bred to be a service animal, 接受广泛的行为和技能训练,最终目标是帮助残疾人. Although there is no official certification, verification or licensing required to have a service animal, it often takes years before a service animal is ready for work.

RTD will remain consistent in adhering to all ADA and DOT regulations. We think that doing so best protects the rights of the disabled community.

What should I do if I am traveling with a service animal?

Service animals may accompany a passenger with a disability. Please advise the bus operator if you need assistance finding a seat. 如果动物变得暴力,操作人员可能会拒绝登机或要求您将其移走, 颠覆性的, poses a threat to other passengers or is not housebroken.

Where should my service animal sit?

For safety reasons, please keep service animals clear of the aisle, sitting on the floor, under the seat or completely on their owner's lap. Service animals are not allowed to sit on seats.

晚上停止 and 运输手表


安全 is RTD’s number one priority. We offer several different safety programs including 晚上停止, 运输手表, and Partners in 安全.

RTD提供了 晚上停止 service along all local RTD bus routes, except the downtown Denver area bordered by 11th Ave, 格兰特圣, 23日圣, 斯皮尔大街, 和我25, due to the frequency of established 停止 and numerous police patrols. 这项服务是为任何要求在沿途任何安全地点下车的人提供的一项安全措施. Inform the bus driver you would like a night stop, at least one block in advance of your final destination.

The service is available mainly after the evening rush-hour from 7 p.m. 到5岁.m. 次日上午,只限无人陪伴(不包括儿童)的旅客下机. 司机将确定一个安全的下车地点,并要求您从前门下车.

我们的 Partners In 安全 program is a collaborative effort between RTD employees, 我们的乘客, 以及提高公众对问题的认识,并采取行动,促进我们车辆周围的安全环境.

If you see something say something. 运输手表 是一个创新的项目,培训RTD运输警察和安全官员最新的执法技术和反恐措施. From increased patrols and electronic surveillance, to unannounced security sweeps of RTD vehicles and facilities, 我们采取了一切预防措施,以确保车辆和乘客的安全.

下载RTD的交通监视应用程序,以快速简便的方式直接与RTD交通警察就可疑活动进行沟通, problems pertaining to ride or station quality, or to receive updates, 警报, and safety information. Download the app now for iOS or 安卓.

What if I am uncomfortable with getting off the bus at night?

RTD提供了 night stop service along all local RTD bus routes, except the downtown Denver area bordered by 11th Avenue, 格兰特街, 23号街, 斯皮尔大道, 和I-25号公路,因为频繁的停车和大量的警察巡逻. 这项服务是为任何要求在沿途任何安全地点下车的人提供的一项安全措施. Inform the bus driver you would like a night stop, at least one block in advance of your final destination.

The service is available mainly after the evening rush hour from 7 p.m. 到5岁.m. the following morning, and is for deboarding passengers only. 司机将确定一个安全的下车地点,并要求您从前门下车.

How do I deal with people loitering around my stop?

捷运依靠乘客和公众对捷运物业内的任何可疑或危险活动保持警觉. If you see something, say something. Always report suspicious behavior 24/7 to RTD’s 运输手表,电话: 303-299-2911,文本在 303-434-9100,或电邮至 [email protected]. In extreme emergency situations always call 911.


Personal Attendants

Personal attendants, 陪同残疾乘客的助手和教练可以免费乘坐. Service animals may accompany disabled passengers as well.


Respirators and Portable Oxygen

You may board any RTD service with a respirator or portable oxygen supply. 当计算所需的氧气量时,计划包括两个小时以上的旅行时间.

Automatic Stop Announcements and Bus Stop 安全

To assist all customers, especially those with visual and auditory impairments, 我们在全区的巴士上安装了自动语音和显示广播系统.

自动停车通知(ASA)系统将在巴士内通知沿途的站点和热门换乘地点, and broadcast route and final destination outside the bus when the door opens. 如果您听不清或听不懂广播,请通知巴士运营商. 巴士营办商会通知转乘地点,并应视障人士的要求通知他们该到何处转乘.

如果您的公交车站有无障碍或可见性问题,请通过电话联系RTD的客户服务 303-299-6000.


RTD has a snow removal crew that clears many of the busiest 停止. 然而,由于有近1万个公交站点,RTD很难清空每个站点. RTD is responsible for snow removal in certain areas but not in others, 因此,RTD与市政当局和企业合作,以确保责任方意识到他们有义务清理停止. 当您在巴士站遇到问题时,请致电RTD客户服务中心 303-299-6000.

Accessible Facilities

Elevators and ramps are located at facilities for rider accessibility. In the event of an elevator outage, information will be posted online under 服务警报. Passengers can sign up to receive email notifications of these outages as well.

Emergency Telephones

在RTD设施需要帮助的残疾客户可以使用电梯内的紧急电话. Once the button is pushed, the phone will automatically be connected to RTD’s Security Command Center.

Web 可访问性

RTD网站包含残疾人无障碍标准,包括万维网联盟(W3C)的无障碍网页倡议(WAI)和康复法案第508条的指导方针. 我们致力于为每一位乘客提供最好的交通体验, and will continue to take steps to improve tamascandle.net.

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