
所有RTD总线, 包括免费购物中心, 免费MetroRide, 铁路车辆, 是否可以使用轮椅等辅助工具, 电动摩托车, 电动踏板车, 步行者, 和拐杖. Bus and rail operators are trained to assist passengers with disabilities boarding or exiting the vehicle.

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The bus operator will clear the securement area and will attempt to board Individuals with a mobility aid prior to boarding others waiting at the bus stop to ensure access to the securement areas. If you use a wheelchair you may board the bus forward or backwards. 如有需要,请在上车时向巴士营运商寻求协助. Position your mobility aid in one of the designated securement areas so it does not block the aisle. Passengers using the lift or ramp may exit at any designated stop, unless the lift cannot be deployed or other conditions make the stop unsafe.


是的,但你可以选择保护自己. 你不需要固定好轮椅. Bus operators are instructed to offer securement to all passengers using wheelchairs and have been trained to do so properly. Inform the operator if you have a particular way you would like your wheelchair secured.


No, but you must position your wheelchair in the securement area.


所有RTD总线 have been designed to meet the Federal Regulations regarding 可访问性. Each securement area is designed to secure one (1) individual who uses a wheelchair.


Bus operators will attempt to contact RTD dispatch by all methods available. The Dispatcher will provide the operator with information on how you will be accommodated and the operator will relay the information to you. 在任何情况下, 如果下一班车30分钟后才到, 公共汽车司机会让你转车, and arrange alternative transportation before leaving the stop.

What is the difference between the securement area and the priority seating area?

所有RTD总线 have securement and priority seating areas that are designated, 与标识, for persons with disabilities or passengers using mobility aids.

“Securement Area” or “Securement Areas” means one or both of the areas required on a fixed route bus for the purpose of securing a wheelchair.

“Priority Seating” means the first row of seating that is not the Securement Area or Securement Areas. At least one (1) set of forward-facing seats will be so designated as priority seating.


有140多条公交线路从北向南行驶, 从东到西, 以及中间的所有点, you can get where you're going fast and hassle-free on RTD fixed route services. Fixed route service is free of charge for all Access-a-Ride users and offers you more freedom and flexibility. Learning to ride RTD fixed route is easy and we can help with the transition.

RTD offers a Free Travel Training Program which is designed for seniors (60+), 残疾人士, and others living with mobility limitations to learn how to ride public transit as a way to expand their transportation options and save money. 旅游培训课程不收费. Participants can ride the fixed route and FlexRide buses for free and their Access-a-Ride service will remain unchanged. 如欲了解如何搭乘交通工具,请与RTD培训公司联络 303-299-4144 or (电子邮件保护).


Customers using a wheelchair must use the designated securement area and may secure or unsecure their wheelchair without assistance from the operator. Customers may also utilize operator assistance for securement--RTD provides “Secure Here” stickers and “Stoke Straps” for the customer to indicate how and where securement straps should be attached to the wheelchair. 要获得斯托克带,请询问操作员或致电 303-299-4056.

Policy for Bus Wheelchair Securement Area and Priority Seating

使用行动辅助工具的人, 包括轮椅, 在公共汽车上有平等进入安全区域的权利吗.




是的, the bus operator will request other passengers move to make an accessible seat available for you.


If the securement area is full with other passengers using mobility aids the bus operator will contact their dispatcher using a high priority message for a quick response. 他们将填写ADA PAX PASS UP表格, 给你一份拷贝, 告诉你他们会如何安排你.


If an individual in the securement area does not move at the bus operator’s request the operator will contact their dispatcher using a high priority message for a quick response. The dispatcher will provide information on how you will be accommodated.

What rules do people with strollers and 大型项目 need to follow?

携带大件物品旅行的身体健全的旅客, 比如行李, 杂货店球童, and strollers must sit behind the bus Wheelchair Securement and Priority Seating areas and position their items so they are out of the aisle. They may use the extra space area for themselves and their belongings.

*婴儿车在登机前必须折叠. 只允许折叠婴儿车上飞机.

* All items must be readily movable and stowed behind the bus Wheelchair Securement and Priority Seating areas.

Disabled passengers using strollers will be allowed to board with their stroller un-collapsed and may sit in the securement area.

What is the responsibility of the driver when dealing with strollers, 大型项目, 移动设备?

The bus operator will ask all passengers boarding with 大型项目, 比如行李, 杂货店球童, and strollers to use the extra space area for themselves and belongings. If a passenger refuses to use the extra space area and creates a conflict, the bus operator will contact their dispatcher for further instruction.


“移动辅助设备”是指一种设备, 比如轮椅, 踏板车, 或沃克, designed for and used by an individual with a disability for the purpose of mobility, 不仅仅是为了方便.