Commercial Advertising Policy

Advertising Policy and Objective

RTD在其车辆的内部和外部都有空间, stations, buildings, facilities, and properties, 以及RTD拥有的电子通讯渠道(网站), social media, computer/phone apps, etc.) (collectively “RTD Advertising Space”). RTD的政策是允许使用RTD广告位, 在RTD决定的范围内支持RTD的目的和运作;

Scope of Advertising Policy
RTD uses RTD Advertising Space for Commercial Advertising, RTD Advertising, 或政府通讯只在RTD自行决定为该等目的而提供的地点内. (RTD线路或设施的任何冠名权或赞助均受单独的政策和计划管辖.)

Non-Designation of Public Forum
Only Commercial Advertising, RTD广告位允许播放RTD广告及政府通讯. RTD广告位和本政策不提供或创建公共论坛. 除政府通讯外,本署不接受他人作非商业用途的广告. Private, non-profit, 或意在支持或反对政治候选人的政府演讲, political issues, religious discourses,
advocacy of social policies, 或其他公众辩论议题(统称“议题推广”)将不获接纳. RTD保留决定尺寸的唯一权利, location, placement, duration, 任何RTD广告位的价格和所有其他条款.

Government Communications
RTD可接受本政策准许的政府通讯付费广告. Government Communications advertising must clearly, on the face of the advertising, identify the public entity involved.

Types of Commercial Advertising Permitted
RTD唯一允许的商业广告是, in RTD’s sole and exclusive discretion, 是为了促进商品或服务的销售而设计的吗, or events to promote the sale of goods or services, and not Issue Promotion,
无论广告客户是营利性、非营利性还是政府实体. 在RTD的唯一和排他性的自由裁量权下,商业广告是或看似是一个借口的问题推广将不被允许.

Prohibited Content or Subject Matter
广告是被禁止的,如果在RTD的唯一自由裁量权,它描绘, contains, promotes, or includes to any extent the following products, services, activities, content or subject matter; or uses brand names, trademarks, 该等产品可识别的标语或其他材料, services, activities, content or subject matter:

烟草/尼古丁/大麻:烟草、尼古丁和/或大麻产品: tobacco/nicotine/cannabis related products; and products that simulate smoking or other use of such products or are modeled on such products, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes and vaping implements, and smokeless (e.g., chewing) tobacco;

成人/成人级电影、电视/电子内容或电子游戏: 分级为“X”或“NC-17”的成人电影,电视或电子内容(如.g., online, downloadable or app content) rated “MA”, and electronic (video, computer or app) games rated “A” or “M”; and similar content regardless of platform or type;
Adult Entertainment Facilities: Adult bookstores, adult video stores, nude dance clubs, and other similar adult entertainment establishments;

Other Adult Services: 成人电话服务、在线成人网站、陪护服务和其他类似的成人服务;

裸体、性、施虐和/或排泄主题: Sexually explicit nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse (all as defined in C.R.S. 18-7-501 as amended, modified or supplemented); or excretory subject matter.

False, Misleading, Defamatory or Invasive Subject Matter: 任何是或广告商合理地应该知道的材料都是虚假的, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, 或可以合理地构成诽谤或侵犯隐私的侵权行为;

Infringing or Otherwise Unlawful Subject Matter: Any material that is an infringement of copyright, trademark or service mark, or is otherwise unlawful or illegal;

Illegal Activity or Products: 根据任何联邦、州或地方法律非法的非法活动或产品;

Obscene, Profane or Violent Subject Matter: Any obscene or profane language or content; images or descriptions of graphic violence, including dead, mutilated or disfigured human beings or animals, or intentional infliction of pain or violent action toward or upon a person or animal; or depiction of weapons or injury-causing devices that appear to be aimed or pointed at the viewer or observer in a menacing manner;

Disparaging Subject Matter: Subject matter that is intended to be, or reasonably could be interpreted as being, disparaging, disreputable, or disrespectful to persons, groups, businesses, or organizations, 包括描绘个人或人物类型的广告, groups, businesses or organizations as inferior, 邪恶的或可鄙的(当地运动队的对手除外);

Subject Matter Adverse to RTD: 有悖于目的的材料(即使没有被禁止发布广告), operations or administration of RTD; tends to disparage the quality of service provided by the RTD; or tends to disparage public transportation generally;

未经授权的RTD图形、图像、内容和表示: Subject matter that contains RTD graphics, logos, images, 未经RTD明确书面同意的内容或陈述;

Insulting, Degrading or Offensive Subject Matter: Material directed at a person or group that is so insulting, 有辱人格的或冒犯性的,可以合理地预见到它将煽动或产生以报复形式的违法行为, vandalism or other breach of public safety, peace and order;

Subject Matter Harmful or Disruptive to Transit System: Material that depicts or advocates conduct in violation of RTD’s Code of Conduct; or that is so objectionable under contemporary community standards as to be reasonably foreseeable that it will result in harm to, disruption of or interference with the transportation system; and

Unsafe Transit Behavior: 鼓励或描述与过境有关活动的不安全行为的材料, such as non-use of normal safety precautions in awaiting, boarding, riding upon or debarking from transit vehicles.